
A Browser-ish client implementation with JS rendering support

Skrape{it} provides different fetcher implementations. All of the Fetchers behave different and you should pick them depending on your needs.

The BrowserFetcher is a special http client. It will send an HTTP-request (with given request parameters, headers etc.) to a given url and returns a result that consists of the http response status as well as of the response headers and body. The special thing is that it will be have like a browser and will return a rendered DOM as body instead of a plain simple body string.

It is not as fast as the other fetchers since it take some time to render a response, but the result will look simular to what you would get when surfing a page in your browser.

Thereby it is the best pick if you want to call client-side rendered websites, e.g. Single-Page-Applications build with react.js, vue.js, angular and so on.

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