Request Options
Request Options
All of the available options already have reasonable defaults to make the use of skrape{it} as easy and intuitive as possible.
Full Example using all available request options
skrape(HttpFetcher) {
request {
method = Method.POST // defaults to GET
url = "https://some.url" // you can either pass url as String (defaults to 'http://localhost:8080')
url { // or build url (will respect value from url as String param)
// thereby you can pass a url and just override or add parts
protocol = UrlBuilder.Protocol.HTTPS // defaults to given scheme from url param (HTTP if not set)
host = "" // defaults to given host from url param (localhost if not set)
port = 12345 // defaults to given port from url param (8080 if not set explicitly - none port if given url param value does noit have port) - set to -1 to remove port
path = "/foo" // defaults to given path from url param (none path if not set)
queryParam { // can handle adding query parameters of several types (defaults to none)
"foo" to "bar" // add query paramter foo=bar
"aaa" to false // add query paramter aaa=false
"bbb" to .4711 // add query paramter bbb=0.4711
"ccc" to 42 // add query paramter ccc=42
"ddd" to listOf("a", 1, null) // add query paramter ddd=a,1,null
+"xxx" // add query paramter xxx (just key, no value)
timeout = 5000 // optional -> defaults to 5000ms
followRedirects = true // optional -> defaults to true
userAgent = "some custom user agent" // optional -> defaults to "Mozilla/5.0"
cookies = mapOf("some-cookie-name" to "some-value") // optional
headers = mapOf("some-custom-header" to "some-value") // optional
authentication = basic {
username = "admin"
password = "password"
proxy = proxyBuilder {
type = Proxy.Type.HTTP
host = "http://some.proxy"
port = 12345
sslRelaxed = true
body {
json { // will automatically set content-type header to "application/json"
"foo" to "bar"
"xxx" to json {
"a" to "b"
"c" to listOf(1, "d")
} // will create {"foo":"bar","xxx":{"a":"b","c":[1,"d"]}} as request body
// or
xml("<foo>bar</foo>") // will automatically set content-type header to "text/xml"
// or
form { // will automatically set content-type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"foo" to "bar"
"xxx" to 1.5
} // will create foo=bar&xxx=1.5 as request body
// or custom body
body {
data = "just a plain text" // content-type header will automatically set to "text/plain"
contentType = "your-custom/content" // can optionally override content-type
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